Depois de a Sofia ter revelado um dos seus destinos de sonho
chegou a minha vez. Esta semana viajamos até à *rufar de tambores* Grécia!
Apesar de ultimamente ouvirmos falar deste país apenas por maus motivos, a
realidade é que há muito de bom para se falar.
Berço da civilização, pai e mãe
da democracia, da filosofia ocidental e dos Jogos Olímpicos, chegou até mim através
duma novela brasileira e nunca mais me largou. Foi algures em 2005 que a
telenovela Belíssima estreou em Portugal, e embora não me lembre minimamente da
história (sim porque tinha *1+4+300-5x46-3…* 10 anos?!) recordo perfeitamente
aquelas imagens das casinhas brancas, todas em cima umas das outras, com vista
para o mar, onde até hoje sonho viver.
Com cerca de 11 milhões de habitantes,
situa-se no sul da Europa, perto do continente asiático, do continente africano
e do médio oriente e está repleta de inúmeros pontos turísticos que nos
transportam para os primórdios da civilização. Isto tudo para não falar nas
suas magnificas ilhas rodeadas pelas águas azuis e cristalinas do Mar Mediterrâneo.
After Sofia revealed her first dream destination, now it is my turn. This week we go to... *drum roll* Greece!
Even though lately we have only heard bad things about this country, the truth is there are many good things to talk about. Cradle of civilization, father and mother of democracy, occidental philosophy and Olympic Games, Greece caught my eye through a brazilian novel and it never disappeared from my memory.
It was in 2005 when the novel was on the Portuguese television, and although I don't remember anything about the story (yes because I was *1+4+300-5x46-3…* 10 years old?!) I never forgot the shots of the little white houses, all on top of each others, with a sea sight, where, even today, I have the dream to live in.
With about 11 million habitants, Greece is located in South Europe, near Asia and Africa and also the Middle East, and it is filled with touristic places that remind us of the beginning of civilization. All of this without mentioning the beautiful islands surrounded by the blue and crystal water of the famous Mediterranean Sea.
This is my dream destination for almost 10 years, and despite being close to Portugal, I never went there, but I hope to go soon. I leave you with the stunning pictures of Greece and, you already know, if you went there, live there or share the same dream with me, send us your story!
Even though lately we have only heard bad things about this country, the truth is there are many good things to talk about. Cradle of civilization, father and mother of democracy, occidental philosophy and Olympic Games, Greece caught my eye through a brazilian novel and it never disappeared from my memory.
It was in 2005 when the novel was on the Portuguese television, and although I don't remember anything about the story (yes because I was *1+4+300-5x46-3…* 10 years old?!) I never forgot the shots of the little white houses, all on top of each others, with a sea sight, where, even today, I have the dream to live in.
With about 11 million habitants, Greece is located in South Europe, near Asia and Africa and also the Middle East, and it is filled with touristic places that remind us of the beginning of civilization. All of this without mentioning the beautiful islands surrounded by the blue and crystal water of the famous Mediterranean Sea.
This is my dream destination for almost 10 years, and despite being close to Portugal, I never went there, but I hope to go soon. I leave you with the stunning pictures of Greece and, you already know, if you went there, live there or share the same dream with me, send us your story!
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Atenas | Athens |
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Mykonos |
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Oia, Santorini |
*todas as fotografias foram tiradas do amigo Google | *all the pictures were taken from Google
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