Mais um testemunho, desta vez abordamos o tema das viagens em trabalho. Quando se viaja em trabalho nem sempre se tem tempo para desfrutar das cidades, mas é sempre bom espairecer e ver as vistas. Uma vez lá é só aproveitar!
Cláudia Oliveira, 21 anos, bailarina e professora de dança.
"Devido a esta profissão
desde cedo fui "obrigada" a viajar para fazer formação, tanto dentro como fora de Portugal. Claro que visitar uma cultura nova é sempre fantástico
e surpreendente. Posso dizer que já fiz algumas viagens, a Espanha, França,
Tunísia e agora mais recentemente ao Brasil, que admito ser exactamente o que
vemos na televisão. O Rio de Janeiro é lindo, tem grandes paisagens e é uma viagem
a pôr na lista, sem dúvida! No entanto para os que pensam “Brasil é sempre
calor e bom tempo” desenganem-se! Para quem vai para apanhar boa praia, os meses
de Maio e Junho não são de todo favoráveis, pois chove e à noite pode mesmo
fazer frio (não esqueçamos que estes meses correspondem ao Inverno do Hemisfério Sul)! Também me avisavam sempre para ter cuidado na rua pois “ não estava
em Portugal” (isto porque fui sozinha com um amigo para o Rio de Janeiro à 1h
da manhã…Loucura? Não, apenas não queríamos perder um dia em viagem! Ah sim,
porque o Brasil é gigante e é tudo longe! São 6horas de autocarro de S. Paulo ao
Rio!), no entanto, não sei se foi pela atenção redobrada, não nos aconteceu
nada, e foi tudo pacífico.
Não consigo escolher
uma viagem como preferida pois de todas guardo memórias e momentos diferentes e
especiais, mas tenho de admitir que países onde a simpatia e o calor
predominam captam a minha atenção!
Em todas as viagens, sinceramente, nunca foi nada muito
planeado, sabia os sítios para onde tinha de ir para fazer a formação e dormir
(excepto em Espanha que acabámos por dormir no chão do aeroporto…a propósito
não o façam porque vão ter um senhor a supervisionar que vos vai acordar e fazer
levantar!) mas tudo o resto foi à descoberta."
Se querem saber mais visitem a página da Cláudia e saibam tudo ao pormenor e em tempo real!
Fiquem com as imagens e enviem-nos também as vossas aventuras!
Another story, this time we talk about travelling and work. When you travel and work at the same time, sometimes you don’t have time to enjoy the city, but it's always good to go out, take some fresh air and see the views. Once you’re there, you just have to enjoy it!
Cláudia Oliveira, 21 years old, dancer and dance teacher.
“Because of my job, I was “forced” to travel to have dance classes, inside and outside of Portugal. Obviously, to visit another culture is always amazing and surprising. I can say that I’ve already done a few trips to Spain, France, Tunisia and, now, Brazil, which I admit: it is exactly like we see in the novels. Rio is beautiful, it has great views and it is, with no doubt, a trip to add on your list! However for those who think that “Brazil is always sun and good weather”, well, it’s not! For those who go to enjoy the beach, May and June are not the perfect months for it, probably there will be rain and cold weather at night (we can’t forget that those months are the Winter in the South hemisphere)! Everybody told me to be careful when on the streets “you’re not in Portugal” (this because I went just with a friend to Rio de Janeiro at 1am… Am I crazy now? Nope, we just didn’t want to miss anything of this trip! Oh yes, because Brazil is a giant country and everything is far away! We took 6 hours by bus to go from São Paulo to Rio!), however, I don’t know if it was because of the increased attention, everything was good, and we are now safe and sound!
About my trips, I can’t choose my favourite one because I keep such great, different and special memories and moments of all of them! But I have to admit that countries where kindness and good weather are catch my attention!
From all the trips I did, I’m honestly going to say: I never planned much, I knew where were the places which I needed to go to do the classes and to sleep (except Spain where we slept on the airport floor… Something I don’t advice, because you’ll probably be awakened by a random guy who will force you to get up!) but everything else was an adventure.”
If you want to know more, visit Claudia’s Facebook page and find every detail in real time!
I leave you with Claudia’s photos and well, you know, send us your adventures too!
Another story, this time we talk about travelling and work. When you travel and work at the same time, sometimes you don’t have time to enjoy the city, but it's always good to go out, take some fresh air and see the views. Once you’re there, you just have to enjoy it!
Cláudia Oliveira, 21 years old, dancer and dance teacher.
“Because of my job, I was “forced” to travel to have dance classes, inside and outside of Portugal. Obviously, to visit another culture is always amazing and surprising. I can say that I’ve already done a few trips to Spain, France, Tunisia and, now, Brazil, which I admit: it is exactly like we see in the novels. Rio is beautiful, it has great views and it is, with no doubt, a trip to add on your list! However for those who think that “Brazil is always sun and good weather”, well, it’s not! For those who go to enjoy the beach, May and June are not the perfect months for it, probably there will be rain and cold weather at night (we can’t forget that those months are the Winter in the South hemisphere)! Everybody told me to be careful when on the streets “you’re not in Portugal” (this because I went just with a friend to Rio de Janeiro at 1am… Am I crazy now? Nope, we just didn’t want to miss anything of this trip! Oh yes, because Brazil is a giant country and everything is far away! We took 6 hours by bus to go from São Paulo to Rio!), however, I don’t know if it was because of the increased attention, everything was good, and we are now safe and sound!
About my trips, I can’t choose my favourite one because I keep such great, different and special memories and moments of all of them! But I have to admit that countries where kindness and good weather are catch my attention!
From all the trips I did, I’m honestly going to say: I never planned much, I knew where were the places which I needed to go to do the classes and to sleep (except Spain where we slept on the airport floor… Something I don’t advice, because you’ll probably be awakened by a random guy who will force you to get up!) but everything else was an adventure.”
If you want to know more, visit Claudia’s Facebook page and find every detail in real time!
I leave you with Claudia’s photos and well, you know, send us your adventures too!
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Rio de Janeiro - Vista do Cristo Rei |
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Rio de Janeiro - Jardim Botânico |
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Rio de Janeiro - Vista do Parque da Lage |
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Rio de Janeiro - Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage |
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Rio de Janeiro - Praia de Copacabana |
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São Paulo - Beco do Batman (rua cheia de grafites) |
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São Paulo - Bairro da Liberdade |
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São Paulo - Beco do Batman (rua cheia de grafites) |
*todas as fotografias da autoria da Cláudia | *all pictures are from Cláudia
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