First country with recipes on the blog! Holland doesn't have as many traditional recipes as Portugal, neither it has a very rich cousine, but it has a lot of good stuff which makes our mouth water! The most well known recipe are the stroopwafels but there are also other sweet cakes with a lot of calories. Holland is also known for their cheese, Gouda, and for eating raw fish (haring)! Let's start?
1. Poffertjes
Poffertjes are like mini pancakes, usually served with butter and sugar powder. These sweets are commonly made during the winter! It looks really good, right?
2. Bitterballen
Os bitterballen são muito idênticos a croquetes, que os holandeses também têm (o kroket), e tem por dentro um creme de carne, manteiga, salsa, sal e pimenta. São uma espécie de almôndegas fritas! E são normalmente servidas com mostarda. Yum!
Bitterballen are very similar to croquettes, which the Dutch also have (the kroket), and it has a mixture of beef, butter, parsley, salt and pepper inside. It's like a fried meatball! The bitterballen are usually served with mustard. Yum!
3. Stroopwafels
Os stroopwafels são aquelas bolachas que ninguém pode morrer sem experimentar! Basicamente é um waffle com textura de bolacha recheado com um creme de caramelo e canela. É absolutamente maravilhoso. Não há quem não traga uns quando visita a Holanda. Está à venda em Portugal!
The stroopwafels are those cookies that nobody can die without trying it! Basically it's a waffle with a cookie texture filled with a caramel and cinnamon cream. It is absolutely amazing. Everyone brings stroopwafels everytime they go to Holland!
4. Haring
The Dutch, mainly in Amsterdam, eat a lot of haring. It's basically a fish seasoned with onion and salt which is left to marinate during a few days and then they eat it without cooking, usually with bread. A little bit disgusting!
5. Stamppot
Este prato é típico para o jantar holandês. É feito de batatas cozidas esmagadas misturadas com couve ou outros vegetais, acompanhado por uma salsicha! É normalmente servido durante o inverno.
This one is a typical dinner recipe. It's made of mashed potatoes mixed with kale or other vegetables, and served with a sausage! It's usually for winter days.
Para além das comidas tradicionais, na Holanda come-se, maioritariamente, comida de "prato" apenas ao jantar, que acontece por volta das 17h da tarde, quando as pessoas saem do trabalho! Ao almoço come-se habitualmente sandes com queijo ou frango, e ao pequeno-almoço o mais habitual é comer pão com pepitas de chocolate com manteiga ou manteiga de amendoim!
Besides the traditional recipes, in Holland they generally eat "plate" food at dinner, which happens around 17h in the afternoon, when everyone comes back from work! At lunch they eat bread with cheese or chicken, and at breakfast the most famous thing is eating bread with chocolate sprinkles with butter or peanut butter!
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