Descobri o Viajar Entre Viagens há pouco tempo e, tal como o nosso, é escrito a duas mãos. São portugueses, como nós, e por isso mesmo têm a ânsia dos descobrimentos a correr-lhes nas veias. "A Carla é geógrafa e faz investigação em glaciares na Argentina. O Rui é físico e trabalha como professor em Portugal. Nos últimos dez anos, percorremos juntos, de mochila às costas, os quatro cantos do mundo".
Today we start another serie on the blog. Every month we will select a "blog of the month", if you want to suggest your own, or another you like, we can just contact us!
I found the blog Viajar Entre Viagens recently and, just like ours, is written with two hands. They're Portuguese, like us, and therefore they have the eagerness of discovering new places running in their veins. "Carla is a geographer and she does research in the glaciers in Argentina. Rui is a physician and works as a professor in Portugal. In the last ten years, we went together, with bags in our back, to the four corners of the world".
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Tailândia |
I love it! On this blog you can find photos and texts about many cities, from the Middle East till North America, Europe till the African continent. They also have tips about travelling with someone else (which isn't always easy), health care, what to see and where to stay on the long list of cities they already had the opportunity to go. Joing them on the "Rota dos Maias", Seda, enjoy the "Areias do Médio Oriente" and cor do açafrão.
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Marrocos |
Viajar entre Viagens was selected by the public as the best travel blog on the Blogger Travel Awards, in 2014, and the best personal travel blog, by the jury, in 2015.
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Gronelândia |
p.s se queres sugerir o teu, ou outro, já sabes, contacta-nos!
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