Tudo se passou no início de 2010, há 5 anos atrás. O Glenn, o holandês que partilhou a história connosco (e que por acaso também é o meu namorado), tinha 16/17 anos na altura. Tinha aulas de espanhol e, por isso, os professores avisaram logo no início do ano: vai existir um intercâmbio com alunos espanhóis e o objectivo é vocês desenvolverem a língua e escreverem um diário de bordo! Pois bem, o desafio estava lançado.
Em 2010, no dia 21 de Janeiro a turma holandesa partiu para Barcelona para uma viagem de 10 dias. Antes de chegarem a La Seu d'Urgell, onde os alunos espanhóis os esperavam, exploraram Barcelona de cima abaixo. O Glenn conta: "No primeiro dia fomos até ao centro. Depois ainda visitámos o estádio do Barça e vimos um espectáculo de flamenco ao vivo. Tive direito a correr na maratona de Barcelona que estava a acontecer naquele dia". Para além disto, tiveram tempo de uma visita guiada pelo estádio olímpico e viram a Sagrada Família e o Parque Guell, um dos mais famosos em Barcelona.
The first post about YOUR STORIES is finally here! It's the first story and it's also a very funny one.
Everything started in 2010, 5 years ago. Glenn, the Dutch guy who shared his story with us (and who also is my boyfriend) was 16/17 at the time. He had Spanish classes so his teachers told them in the beginning of the year: there is going to be a school exchange with Spanish students and the main goal is speaking and practice Spanish and write a diary of all the activities! Well, the challenge was accepted.
In 2010, on 21st January the Dutch class went to Barcelona for a trip of 10 days. Before arriving at La Seu d'Urgell, where the Spanish students waited for them, they explored Barcelona up and down. Glenn told us: "On the first day we went to the Barcelona center. Then we visited Barcelona's stadium and we saw a flamenco show. I also ran in Barcelona's marathon that was happening that day". Besides that, they had time to go to the Olimpic stadium and they also saw the Sagrada Família and Park Guell, one of the most famous parks in Barcelona.
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Maratona de Barcelona |
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Barcelona |
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Estádio do Barcelona |
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Parque Guell |
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Estádio Olímpico |
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Espectáculo de Flamenco |
But the trip wasn't only Barcelona. On the 4th day, they went with the bus to La Seu d'Urgell, a city close to Andorra. When they arrived, they went to the Spanish school, where they had a presentation about Cataluña and a Catalan class! "But the best part was rafting."
Para além disto, ainda tiveram direito a fazer ski em Andorra. "Foi uma das partes que mais gostei de toda a viagem". No último dia do intercâmbio foi o mais engraçado, conta ele. "Foi um dia de festas na escola porque era feriado e toda a gente começava a beber logo pelo pequeno-almoço".
Besides all of this, they still went skiing in Andorra. "It was one of the best parts of the entire trip". The last day of the exchange was the most funny one, he told us. "It was the party day in school because it was a holiday and everyone started drinking immediately at breakfast".
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Andorra |
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Último dia de festas |
O objectivo era fazer um diário de bordo em espanhol mas ninguém o fez: enquanto lá esteve, toda a gente falava inglês. E o que aconteceu? A turma de holandês escreveu o seu diário de bordo em inglês e enviou para os espanhóis, que o traduziram! Assim toda a turma teve boa nota!
As maiores diferenças, conta, foi o facto de em Espanha existir siesta e de jantaram perto das 22h, quando na Holanda se janta às 17h. No entanto, faria tudo de novo. É sempre uma boa experiências pois acaba-se por conhecer novas pessoas e um novo país.
E tu? Que estás à espera para partilhar a TUA história?
Conta-nos tudo aqui!
he exchange was so good that Glenn came back a year after on summer holiday. The main difficulty was staying in a family house where nobody talked English. The best part was making new friends and communicate with people, while having fun.
The main goal was to write a diary in Spanish but nobody did it: when they were there everyone was speaking English. What happened then? The Dutch class wrote the diary in English and sent it to the Spanish students and they translated it! Everyone had a good mark!
The biggest differences, he told us, was the fact that in Spain they have a siesta and they have dinner at 22h, while in Holland they have dinner around 17h. But, besides everything else, he would do it again. "It's always a good experience and you end up meeting new people and a new country".
What about you? What are you waiting for to share YOUR story?
Tell us everything here!
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